Alter Ego (Felix)


What the...? All of a sudden, I'm in a dark place?
I like dark places...
What the-!
*sniff* It's so dark and so alone...
Nobody can see me cry in this dark and lonely place...
Was your icon edited in MSPaint?!
I am not even worthy of a better painting program...
What the heck are you?
I am... an emo... *sob* 
That didn't really answer my question.
I tried to kill the pain and only brought more...
Yay. Now the webmistress is yanking Evanescence lyrics. *facepalm*
I lay dying, pouring crimson regret and betrayal. Am I too lost to be saved? Am I too lost?
Why are you even emo?! Where does anyone get the idea that I'm emo?!
Nobody loves me. Everybody hates me.
Oh come on, you know that's not true.
Piers got mad at me the other day...
Why was that?
Because I was screaming obscenities at the seagulls and then I hit a rock. Sniffle.
Oh. Well, that's honestly completely reasonable to me. Though seagulls are annoying...
Right, right? It pooped on me! Seagulls hate me!
They poop all over the damn place, I know. I can't stand them either.
Sometimes I think I want to just jump off the ship into the sea and drown...
Uh... I'm not even sure I'm capable of drowning...
I've had such a harsh, cruel life... woe is me!
This is getting boring fast. Do you ever stop whining?
The cookie jar was empty last night. *sobs wretchedly* I wanted the last cookie and I couldn't have it. WHY ME?!
*facepalms again*
And the weather's been so horrible lately... the clouds hate me, I know they do. Everybody hates me. Nobody loves me.

Yeah, well... there's no controlling the weather, you know?
Think I'll just go eat worms...
Am I seriously written like THIS in fanfiction?
Would you rather have had your overprotective self?
Uh. Good point. And what's the deal with that anyway?
Beats me. Sniff. Jenna gets mad if I try to interfere with her life.
Like... I know neither Isaac or Garet would hurt her, you know?
They treat her well. Maybe she doesn't need me after all...
The absolute last thing I'm going to do is chase them away from her!
Um. Yeah. I guess.
All that matters to me is that Jenna is happy. You feel the same, right?
Yes. Jenna's happy. Unlike me... have you SEEN the Sun Saga books?!
Wait, I thought you were pre-end of... no, forget it. I'm not going to try and figure it out.
They hate me! They all hate me! *sobs wretchedly* The things that they called me!
... Yeah. I. Uh. The fact we're integrating future game stuff in here now is kind of making things weird.
Doesn't it bother you at all?!
Yeah, maybe that explains why I've apparently hidden away for thirty years.
Exactly! Just hide away where nobody can find you, in isolation and despair, forever... become a hobo with a thick, bushy beard...
Ehh... but seriously though, I don't recall ever being emo or overly angsty. Do I really give off that vibe?
Oh, believe me, you'll be in despair soon enough when people are slandering you for saving the world.
This just doesn't seem logical at all...
Logic has no place... in a dark, cruel place like this...
Therefore, you shouldn't even exist!
Crawling in my skiiiiiiin... these wounds... they will not heal...
Please, leave. I've had enough of you.
*sniff* You hate me too. Everybody hates me. *falls down dimensional hole, still weeping*
This is so messed up. Thank goodness that freaky me is gone. That was just terrible...

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