Link Lobby Dialogues


Oh yes, the link lobby...
Oh man, that place is just so fun. You never know what you'll fight next...
At least you guys didn't have to worry about Dullahan. *shudders*
And here's a page where all the link lobby dialogue has been gathered together.


Golden Sun dialogues

Garet: I can't wait, Isaac! Let's go get 'em!
Ivan: Yes, I'll always help Isaac in battle!
Mia: I'll do my best!

Golden Sun: The Lost Age dialogues

No Felix in Party

Isaac: I'll fight enough for both of us...
Garet: If you don't want to fight, that's fine. We'll do better without you, no problem.
Ivan: Huh? No way! Please fill in for me!
Mia: I'll do the best I can.
Jenna: Wait, I say I'll fight, and then you back out of it? What's that all about? (She makes a >( face afterward)
Sheba: Good luck, Felix! If you want me, you know where to find me.
Piers: So it's just me. Is that all right? I'm a little nervous.

Felix in Party and Character in Party

Isaac: It's our turn. Let's go, Felix.
Garet: Hey, Felix, I'm all set to show you what I've got.
Ivan: If you want me to fight, I'll do it, but don't expect anything amazing from me.
Mia: I'll do the best I can!
Jenna: Hey, I'll do my best if you do yours!
Sheba: You don't even want to try? I'll show you my power.
Piers: All right, Felix, we'll do it together!

Felix in Party and Character not in Party

Isaac: OK, we're set, Felix. But remember, you're calling the shots, all right?
Garet: What? I have to take a break? Why do I have to do that?
Ivan: There's something really sad about being told to stay behind.
Mia: That's fine, I could use some rest anyway.
Jenna: OK, I'll be waiting right here. Do your best, and hurry back.
Sheba: Don't you want me with you anymore, Felix?
Piers: Are you trying to tell me something, Felix?

Linked Battle Dialogue



(In Party) You know, you would never have won without me.
(Not in Party) Sure, you won, would have been a lot easier if I'd
been there, huh?


(In Party) Yeah... That didn't offer a lot of challenge.
(Not in Party) Oh, you won? Yeah, that's great. But you still left me behind!


(In Party) I gave it my best effort, as you could see.
(Not in Party) That was a stunning battle. I was on the edge of my seat.


(In Party) Everybody deserves a little credit for this victory!
{Not in Party) Everybody did great! I didn't worry at all about you!


(In Party) You can count on me, through thick and thin!
(Not in Party) You won? Without me? Wow... Way to make a guy feel unneeded there.


(In Party) If I seemed nervous, it was only because I wasn't sure you were prepared for this.
(Not in Party) You really stayed cool in the heat of battle. Good work!


(In Party) I'm glad we won... But don't you feel at all bad for your
(Not in Party) The most important thing is that nobody got hurt.
Except your opponents.



(In Party) Wow. That was a serious beating... What happened to us?
(Not in Party) Of course, you're going to lose if you have such an awful
attitude about it!


(In Party) I was doing my very best. I certainly hope you were, too.
(Not in Party) If you'd taken me with you, none of this would ever have
happened. Don't you forget it.


(In Party) Maybe it would have been better if I just hadn't come...
(Not in Party) You should have asked for my help. From the look of things,
you could have used it.


(In Party) Don't blame yourself... It was just a bad strategy.
(Not in Party) You win some, you lose some. That's the nature of competition.


(In Party) Pull yourself together! We'll do it next time.
(Not in Party) What? You lost? That's what you get for leaving me out!


(In Party) You should have picked someone else. It's all my fault that
we lost.
(Not in Party) It's not a problem, Felix. You'll do better next time.


(In Party) I didn't help out very much, did I? I'm sorry...
(Not in Party) I know I wasn't out there with you, but...I still blame myself.

