Karis's Interview


It's that time again and my next victim... I mean, interviewee will be Karis!
Ooh, it's my turn? I'll do my best!
I see you're eager to do this. Good. Now then, question one! Why don't you have Mind Read?! ;~;
Um... huh?
*sniff* Seriously, how can you not have it?
O_o;;; I... just don't...
It makes no sense! Ivan has it! Sheba has it! Even that guy Nyunpa had it, so why?
Umm... I'm sorry?
Hmph. I bet the lazy Camelot writers just didn't want to give everyone a readable mind. Jerks. And those points of no return-
Ahem. Before you start on a rant, can I remind you of the interview we're meant to be doing?
Oh, right. That. But, seriously, no Mind Read really sucks... so does not having Reveal...
Oh, Reveal. Isn't that the cool Psynergy that lets you find hidden stuff? ... Yeah, my dad didn't get round to teaching me that...
Well, he should have. Curse you, Ivan! *shakes fist* Anyway, question two! Does your dad still look like a shota?
Ehh? What's a shota? And aren't these questions supposed to be about me?
It would be funny if he still looked like a teenager.
No, he definitely looks old enough to be my dad, but I guess that will change soon enough.
Man, I can't imagine how weird that's going to be in the future.
I'd rather not think about it at all...
Fair enough. Question three! So I hear you mastered a Wooden Stick.
I... did? You mean the weapon, right?
That's quite the accomplishment. How did it feel?
How is it an accomplishment? That was, like, one of the first weapons I ever used. Pretty basic.
Yeah, I suppose so...
I'm sure I've mastered a lot of weapons by now. Like bows too.
It was cool that Dark Dawn added bows.
Bows are pretty fun to use.
Question four! What is your biggest pet peeve?
Hmm... Tyrell.
Uh... okay.
Seriously, he's so annoying! He never listens to me and he's always up to mischief and...
Childhood friends, huh...
Man, if it wasn't for Matthew, I'd probably have snapped a long time ago.
O_o; Yeah, I suppose that's a good thing.
How can he so dumb? I just don't get it at all.
Oh well. Question five. Do you know your aunt Hama?
Sure, she comes to Kalay once in a while.
I see...
Aunt Hama's pretty nice. She lives in Contigo, which is pretty far away... I've never been there.
Yeah, who knows where Contigo even is now with the world randomly shifting places around in thirty years. And don't get me started on these ancient civilizations suddenly appearing out of nowhere.
She mentioned a temple once. It was called Lama Temple. Llamas are cute...
Wait, what?
I wish I could go and pet a llama, but I don't know where that temple is.
Good question. Xian and Altin kinda just randomly vanished too. Who the heck knows where they got to...
Isaac and Garet spoke about all these places they saw on their journey, but we hardly saw any of them.
Question six, so where did your green hair come from?
Er... I wonder.
You are the first character with a portrait to have green hair.
I am? That's interesting, I guess.
Maybe it comes from your super mysterious unknown mother...
Sorry, I'm forbidden from saying anything on that subject for some reason.
Geez. Wish Camelot would make that fourth game and give us details already. Question seven! If you learned Mind Read, what's the first thing you'd do?
Hmm. That's difficult. I certainly wouldn't want to go prying into people's minds without a good reason.
Pfft, who needs good reasons. You know what? You could use Mind Read to learn if Tyrell's up to no good.
I-I could?
Totally. He'd never be able to commit mischief around you.
Whoah! I'm gonna ask Dad to teach me right now-
Hold on, the interview's not over yet. Oh yeah, and Tyrell would know if you were reading his mind anyway.
He would? Ahh, then I don't know...
Question eight. So, uh, you and Sveta... you're pretty good friends, right?
Yup, we're really good friends.
Really good friends... right...
Hm? What is it?
Nothing. Nothing at all. *whistle*
Okay... this is one of those moments I think having Mind Read would be a good thing.
Trust me, my mind is one of the last minds you would ever want to look into.
O_O;;; I have a feeling I don't want to know what you mean by that.
^_^ Question nine! Have you ever flown anywhere exciting on the soarwing? Like places that aren't Kalay or the cabin...
Sadly, that was pretty much my limit. But I should probably be able to fly further now.
Man, that soarwing's pretty cool... too bad Tyrell broke it.
And we spend the entire game getting the feather and the game ends before we even give it back... and that cliffhanger...
Uh huh.
Question ten. When is Golden Sun 4 coming out?
Wait, what? Why are you asking me?! And that doesn't even have anything to do with me...
Can you see the future yet?
Now that would have been a better question, don't you think?
Ahh, you're so nitpicky... well, can you or can't you?
Not yet. I sure wish I could though.
I wish Golden Sun 4 would come out already...
Not like I can do anything about it, you know.
Yeah, sigh. Well, I guess that concludes the interview. What does everyone have to say about Karis?
Karis is a great help in dealing with Tyrell. I'm glad for her companionship.
I wanna date her...
Karis can be quite... fierce, I suppose.
She's a nice girl.
I really like Karis.
That green haired chick? She's alright.
Karis is Karis.
Ivan's daughter has grown up to be a fine woman.
Where does that green hair come from anyway?
Ivan's done a fine job, raising this child.
Er, right, the offspring of that midget Jupiter Adept. Why do you think I would have anything to say?

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